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Electro Portable Pruning Shears | FELCOtronic Fast-Cutting & Light Model

S$ 2461.00

Bulk Order
4-9 : S$ 2407.50
More than 10 units: S$ 2354.00




The FELCO 801 set has been developed as a result of carefully studied ergonomics, providing relief to arm and shoulder muscles, throughout the entire day spent pruning. 
These light, easy to handle and fast cutting pruning shears are recommended for all intensive pruning work. 


Features: -

•New tool geometry guarantees easy access to branches that require cutting.
•Cutting head ensures a clean and precise cut with diameters of up to 30 mm.
•Controlled and powered by its Powerpack the FELCO 880.


A FELCO 880 Powerpack is required in order to use this tool.

(Is Included if you order with us in Singapore)